Mathon - Via Mala
Via Mala is an infamous trail along the Hinterrhein in Graubünden. A canyon with cliffs carved by its torrents, falling three hundred meters into the depth. It seems as if the mountain is broken in two. Enormous floads of melting water, the consistent gnawing of the river created during centuries a natural spectacle of unique beauty.
With the electronic project Mathon, the musicians Thomas Augustiny, Pete Leuenberger and Roger Stucki, composed there during two recording-sessions the sounds (tracks, music?) inspired by this impressive landscape. The journey begins with packing up the Tschifera, a basket carried on the back, used in pre-digital times to transport material through the difficult passage of the Via Mala canyon. Passing the castle Hohen Rätien, where the saga Nihil Habeo Nihil Gibeo about the praepositus of the dome, Gero has taken place. Visiting the hight Carschenna, along the mule track with its pre-roman petroglyphs. By this sanctuary the travelers took rest and asked the higher forces for their protection and help. The musical journey continues over the two bridges Veia Traversina and Punt da Suransun, ending at the church Ecclesia Plebeia with its unique roman ceiling paintings. The guest-musicians Matthias Hügli (electronics) and Ronny Spiegel (Violin) accompany these musical impressions of the Via Mala spectacle.
© & ℗ 2009 by Mathon & Everest Records