v4w.enko is a project of Evgeniy Vaschenko, based in Kyiv, Ukraine and started 2007 as live electronics, working with sound and visual streams. Sound and video streams are being realized in real time by manipulation of self programmed algorithms. Parts of algorithms have simple forms and are correlated one with another by simple rules.
D‘incise, electroacoustic musician, doing both composed and improvised works, from so called electronica to musique concrète, drone, EAI and post-reductionism influences. He focuses mainly on generation and manipulation of acoustic sound sources and objects, loves feedbacks and digital glitches as well. He tends to extract the most tiny details of the elements, appreciates slowness and obsessive explorations of simple processes. He coordinates the Insubordinations netlabel, dedicated to improvised musics, and was actively inside the Audioactivity collective and netlabel, does graphic design and works sometime on sound installations. Deeply influenced by the free culture thinking he loves to share and spread its albums and creations on the web.
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