PLESS is an electronic music duo from Bern, Switzerland. After having laid down their stringed instruments played in the metal band „Unhold“, Philipp Thöni and Leo Matkovic turned to buttons, keys and knobs. A duo aiming for the moody cinematic atmosphere and the impulsive beat-driven electronic dance move alike – all the while exploring the right combination of analog electronica to form a timeless piece of music.
Since the well received debut Album „Hypernormal“ (Everest Records, 2022), the band has been keeping busy and written „Technidolor“ – a digital-only release focusing on the hybrid of mood and dance; dark and light. „Midnight Buffet“, the third release by the duo is aiming to condense the contrast of eerie loops, larger-than-life-melodies and melancholy introspection into a sound of its own.
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